
Showing posts from April, 2007

Legos on the Brain

Lego’s on the brain Towering multicolored Castle fence barn train Lego’s on the brain Angular, not of nature Stuck in my foot. Pain

What a wonderful world

Cutest thing on the planet: A group of three-year-olds singing 'What a Wonderful World'.

My Pop

My dad died on December 12, 2005. His health had been declining slowly for a few years, but that summer he started going fast. He got weaker, shakier. By October, he would have these weird moments where he just wasn't dad. They became more frequent, and many nights after visiting my parents, I went home and cried. This was not my father. On Thanksgiving, my very frail dad sat at a chair in the living room and was served on a tv tray. His appetite had been very poor but he ate well that night. Someone had made a chocolate cream pie, which got eaten up pretty quickly. He saw someone walk by with a piece and said, like a five-year-old would, "I didn't get a piece of that!" I still feel bad about that. He had a mild heart attack before Thanksgiving. Shortly after Thanksgiving, he went into the hospital again but no one was quite sure what was wrong. The moments of him as "not-dad" became more frequent. The hospital staff wanted someone with him at all times so...


I'm very lucky in that I get to drive past/over the lake on my way to and from work every day. The lake is different every time I see it. The other afternoon the wind was blowing and the sky was a bit overcast. The waves were choppy and rough. As I drove onto the bridge, there were seagulls galore being buffeted by the wind as they struggled to stay even, albeit 25 feet in the air, with the waves hitting the shore. This morning the sun shining over the lake had that particular glow to it, that glow that lights you up inside and makes you feel--no, KNOW-- that good things are going to happen today.

Inner happiness

There is so much awful news floating around this week that I am in sympathy/righteous indignation overload. It's time to take a break and focus on the good things. Five years ago I was married to a person who was utterly miserable. To deal with his unhappiness, he worked really hard to make everyone else feel worse than he did. He was very good at it. I was desperately unhappy, abused in several different ways, trying to protect my kids and keep my sanity. I had few if any friends. It's much different now. I have gotten divorced (no easy task). My children have a safe and happy harbor with me. I love them with all my heart and I hope I can show them what they deserve in life-- to be happy. My son in particular is growing into a man that I can be proud of. I've met a super man who is now my boyfriend. We get along famously! Like as famous as Simon and Garfunkel! We can act like total nerds with each other and it's a Good Thing. I'm also still trying to get used to my...


I have a blog!