
Showing posts from March, 2008

A starfish as big as a serving platter.

~E~ I'm always baffled by this. I think it's fascinating that we continue to discover new species but the way we go about it is bizarre. Hank: Look, a life form we have never encountered before! Frieda: Quick! Kill it and put it in this plastic bag! Anyway, scientists have (potentially) discovered new species on the antarctic coast of New Zealand. link

Good cat - Bad cat

~E~ Thursday cat is good cat. Friday cat is bad cat. I like Good Cat better.

A true vegetarian?

~E~ Ah, those little games and rituals we have for our little ones. The family in-jokes. Apparently when I was little, my dad decided one day to name each of our body parts after a vegetable. We must have had fun with that, because one of the names really stuck. It wasn't until I was 12 that I found out, much to my embarrassment, that it is called an 'armpit', not a 'zucchini'. I literally thought that was what that body part was called. To this day, that IS what it means to me. Thanks, dad. :)

grow up

~E~ The republicans must be laughing their asses off right now, what with all the stupid infighting going on between Clinton and Obama. We're supposed to be running against the republicans, not each other. Sheesh.

Darn cute

~E~ Little kids and English accents, how much cuter can you get?