
Showing posts from July, 2008

An open letter to the press

~E~ On the radio the other day, the host was talking about Obama's overseas excursion and the press who were tagging along. Obama's people gave the press a 'dress code' for their time in the middle east. The press howled. The radio host said that the press do not like to have anything shoved down their throat and Obama may have offended them by giving them a dress CODE and not dress suggestions. Dear Press, For the last 7 years you have been opening wide for the Bush administration to shove whatever it wanted down your throat, so I call bullshit. Also, and most importantly, it's not about you. Got it? Regards, Sunny Blizzard

Brought to you by Araneide

~E~ I finally ran into this year's mass of baby spiders. It happens every year, I find a just-hatched batch of the wee things and get creeped out by it. Usually I find them on my deck just outside the back door, but this time they were in the garage. I have spiders in my garage. I don't like it, but I live with it. I've noticed a fat black spider for the last week or two who had two little balls in her web. I was hoping it was her dinner. It wasn't. Yesterday one of the little orbs was surrounded by little pinpoint beings who were startled into movement when I blew on them. I did not lovingly provide them with microscopic binkies - I scooped them up with the broom and took them outside. Live free, little spiders!

CNN? CN not.

~E~ Sitting here on a Sunday morning with the news on in the background, I realized it certainly isn't 'news'. CNN just spent a good 7 minutes of airtime on a story about a dog at some Washington area airport who escaped from her crate and now 'everyone' is searching for her. Dear CNN, This is not worthy as a national news story. Thank you, Sunny Blizzard


~E~ When I was a kid we had popcorn, popcorn balls, and caramel corn. Nary a word of this thing called 'kettle corn'. How I was kept in the dark about this wondrous food is beyond me. Perhaps it's a Southern thing and growing up in the North was just unlucky happenstance? Perhaps my parents were holding out on me? We may never know. What matters now is that I have finally discovered the ecstasy that is Kettle Corn and I am over the moon. I was allowed a small taste at a wine and beer show last year and this weekend at a fair I got my very own bag!! Al even got a few bites - on his fingers when he tried to take some! Hah! Most delicious and I'm not keeping this secret from MY kids!

If grammar made sense

~E~ If grammar made sense, along with Mouse - Mice we would have Spouse - Spice House - Hice Grouse - Grice Along with Grow - Grew we would have Show - Shew Mow - Mew Row - Rew Sow - Sew Tow - Tew This has been a Sunny Blizzard post-n-run.

Dog owners

~E~ I don't hate dogs, but I sure do hate some dog owners. I don't think it's a great leap to realize that if you own a dog, it's up to you to train the dog to be a safe and reasonably calm member of society. I'm tired of the stupid terriers next door that start yipping away at me the moment I step out my door. I'm tired of the way the owners either ignore it or helplessly yell at the dog to be quiet. I've never seen them try to actually train the dogs to STFU. I'm tired of the huge devil dog that lives behind me. It barks ferociously and lunges at the fence every time I go outside. I chatted with the owners one day and told them that I had been attacked by a dog when I was a kid, that their dog scared me, and could we work together to get the dog to stop freaking out on us? I thought that would be a nice way to go about it and would not make them defensive. They seemed agreeable, but have now avoided me for the last two years and the dog still does what...


~E~ Pirate pants complete! I'm sewing and I'm happy! I'm working on pirate costumes for myself and for Daughter for Halloween and I'm on fire . I'm not a super seamstress, but I can get the job done if the instructions are clear. My methods might be laughed at by a professional but I enjoy what I do and I've made some pretty awesome things, I have to say. Ichiban Son got a kick-ass Green Power Ranger costume for kindergarten that took me probably 60 hours to make but it was totally worth it - I impressed myself and everyone else who saw it. Daughter got a harem costume one year, and a gypsy/pirate queen costume the next. Another of my favorites is a kilt I made from red bandannas; it was for a party with a scottish/cowby theme. I went online to look at kilt patterns and then just made it up as I went along. It was awesome, the pleats were f*ing amazing, but no one else was as excited about it as I was. haha. They sucked. Sewing was something my mom passed on to...


~E~ America had a birthday and I didn't even get cake. Seriously, I used to appreciate Independence Day for what it was, the celebration of our country's birth. Now though this is NOT a country I feel at all proud of, so no celebration. I was probably living in a fog of ignorance and I realize now the US pretty much consistently does things that would shame any normal person, but the last seven years have been chaos times 50. The president is an inarticulate pampered 60 year old boy who regularly breaks the law and defies the constitution. Neither the democrats nor the republicans see fit to pursue legal recourse. We as a country have murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers from both sides of the 'conflict' we are engaged in. Americans are mostly ignorant of the whole thing because journalism has ceased to exist in America. None of us learned anything from the energy crisis of the early 1970s so guess what - here we are again. I want cake. And I want m...