
Showing posts from April, 2009

I got a horse right here

~E~ I always enjoyed this skit from Sesame Street; I used to watch it with Number One Son when he was a toddler. Honest. He was the one who wanted to watch it. The tune was catchy and we'd both find ourselves singing it at odd times. Several years later I caught a classic movie on TV and this scene came up. I was floored. They stole it from Sesame Street! The nerve. I love musicals. I can't wait for YIFO's to come out.

Goin' to the Chapel

~E~ I don't remember ever wanting to get married, ever in my life. As a kid I figured it would happen some day since that's just what people did, but I didn't look forward to it. When it happened it was under duress; I was afraid what he'd do if I said no. That was a great start to things. I'm curious about why other people get married. I hear there are some people who date with the intention of finding a spouse. I've never actually met one of these people. I wonder why they are so intent on getting hitched? What ARE the reasons people get married? Is it just because that's what you do? Is it because they want to share their lives together, really and truly? Is it true love? Why do so many women wait for the guy to propose? If the day comes when I DO want to marry, I'll discuss it with the guy and we'll figure it out together. If you really want it, go for it, I say. Or those very religious folks, who don't so much as kiss until their wedding da...

Ups and downs

~E~ On a bike ride today, daughter came to a hill and just - stopped. I asked her why she stopped and she said she figured it would get hard part way up. Here are my words of advice: When you see the hills coming, pedal harder. Work up your momentum and you'll get farther up the hill the first time. If you just stop, you're starting from nothing. Words to live by.