
Showing posts from May, 2012

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina

~E~ Apparently George Tierney, Jr. of South Carolina thinks it's cool and ok to say nasty vulgar things to random women. He tweeted this to Sandra Fluke: W hen are you going to shut that god damn dick sucker ? He got a bit upset when she retweeted his tweet and, like, the whole world saw what a dick he is. So what did he do? He called her a cunt.  On twitter.  And THEN he googled himself! He did not like what he found, friends, and went a bit bonkers over the whole thing. It did finally die down and I hope he learned his lesson, but wow - I feel sorry for his wife and all the women he comes across in his life. I adore Sandra Fluke. I did already, but she handled this very well. Kudos to her!!