A gift for you
~E~ What are the one or two things you have given as a gift that made you feel really good? My little brother and I used to watch David Letterman every single night, so I had the brilliant idea of giving him a "Paul Schaefer Kit". I included an electronic keyboard, a wireless microphone and a bald-head wig. I thought it rocked. I had a great time figuring out what to put in it, and drawing the packaging. He wasn't quite so impressed. He claims he just didn't get it. Whatevs. Although I guess the point is to make the recipient happy. My dad used to talk about a book he read and loved as a kid, called "Shaun, A Boy From Ireland". He had incredibly fond memories of it. While browsing a used book store one fine sunny day, I decided to look in the kids section (alright, I used to look for it whenever I went into a used book store) and ohmygod they had it!! I bought it, I swear I was shaking, I went home, and asked my dad "was that book you liked called Shaun...