The So-called Fourth Estate


First, let me say that I hope you all have been checking out the current crop of Presidential candidates. It's important.

However, I know it's very difficult to get decent information if all you consume is the mainstream media. Our current batch of newspapers, radio and TV behave as though there are only 2 1/2 Democratic candidates (Clinton, Obama and the half, Edwards). None of the other candidates is mentioned more than rarely; in fact, from where I sit the press is basically choosing who the next nominee will be just by virtue of pretending like most of these people don't exist.

It drives me crazy, and it should drive you crazy too. How are we to make an informed choice when we have to work hard to know what those choices even are? So please, do America and yourself a favor and at least KNOW who is running for president.

In the same vein, ABC carried Democratic and Republican debates this weekend and did NOT include all who were running. Their reasoning was that some candidates simply didn't have a chance of winning so why bother letting them state their case? Thing is, if those candidates don't have a chance of winning it is partly ABC's fault for not letting the public even know about those people. Nice circular logic there.

It's not about who 'looks most presidential', or who believes in God more, or who is or isn't female or black or mayor during September 11. It's about what's best for this country and getting us back on track as an example of what's good in this world. Lets vote for the person who can lead us upwards, not the person who will proudly continue the decline of America's reputation among other countries and the decline of those of us who make less than a half million a year.


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