~E~ You know, it's often these little things that go unnoticed that snowball into making life dangerous for certain groups of people. In this case, it's women. Apparently some doctors in Canada are refusing to provide pap smears to unmarried women, presumably because if you aren't married, you should not be having sex, and so would not contract a sexually transmitted disease which might ultimately lead to cervical cancer. Ergo, if you ARE having sex, you deserve to die (if you are female; no word on if unmarried men are denied testing and treatment for STDs). You must suffer the consequences, much like the belief that if you have sex, you should not be allowed birth control or abortion because everyone has to pay the price for HER behavior - pregnancy. (link) I contacted Peggy to learn more about what was going on with the doctors refusing to perform pap smears and she responded by saying that in one case it is actually the doctor's receptionist who won't allow he...