~E~ Or something. I've never been pulled over in my life. I was pulled over for the first time a few days ago downtown, after noticing the cruiser pull up behind me at a stop light. I remember thinking that no police officer would be stopping anyone today since the temperature was about 7 below zero. The light turned green, I pulled out and the cop immediately turned on the lights. I thought Oh shit, what?? I stopped and rolled down my window as the guy walked up to the car. He addressed me heartily by name and i had a few moments of disconnect trying to figure out where I knew him from. I wonder if they do that on purpose. I wonder what Al thought about it all, since he was sitting right next to me. My crime was that the registration sticker was missing from my license plate, it was no big deal, I was told to just go to the DMV and get new ones. Whew. I have not yet begun my life as a career criminal. Thank Maude that's over, but at least I got slightly amusing story out o...
~E~ Ichiban son graduated from high school yesterday! He struck a very handsome figure in his tie and dress slacks, even more so with the cap and gown. They made him remove the bandanna he had on under the cap but I was still able to pick him out of the crowd by the ponytail that flowed halfway down his back. I don't know how he felt, but it was a thrill for me to hear his name as he walked across the stage. I'm proud of my boy. I remember him as a chubby little toddler, me wondering what sort of man he would turn out to be. Now I know. He's inquisitive, very creative, athletic, smart, funny, handsome. He probably does not realize what he's got going for him; I hope he finds within himself some direction or passion. Once he taps that, there will be no limits. I also feel proud that I raised such a person. I really did the best I could against some unpleasant odds. Congratulations, Number One Son!!
~E~ Recently some punk kid decided to take a gun and blow some random innocent people away. He left a note saying he basically wanted to die and thought it would be cool to be famous for offing a bunch of strangers at the same time. So what do the media do? They publicize the kid, have his picture and name everywhere, endless articles about it. Wouldn't it make more sense, when these things happen, to say "this horrible crime happened here, this many people were killed by some loser jerk" and NOT publish the name and photo? No glory, right? That might prevent more loser jerks from following the same path. Right? Or is that too simple?