John McCain - fit to be president?


If one is considered 100% disabled and receives, tax free, $58,000 per year from the Navy, how does one also serve as Senator and run for president and accept a salary on top of this benefit?

According to the LA Times:

Sen. John McCain has long said he is in robust health and is strong enough to hike the Grand Canyon, but he also is receiving what his staff Monday termed a "disability pension" from the Navy.

According to this blogger, who was in the armed forces:

Total disability will be considered to exist when there is present any
impairment of mind or body which is sufficient to render it impossible
for the average person to follow a substantially gainful occupation;
Provided, That permanent total disability shall be taken to exist when
the impairment is reasonably certain to continue throughout the life of
the disabled person.

The bolding is mine. McCain is a huge hypocrite for accepting this payment considering he is and has been gainfully employed for decades; and also because he continues to vote against benefits for returning soldiers. He is perfectly willing to accept what is more than a year's pay for a great number of Americans when it's clear it is not warranted. I have yet to see him exhibit any compassion for the average American, for poor Americans, or for those serving in the 'trenches' of the armed forces today. I'm probably preaching to the choir, but this man should not be president.


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