But why?


Someone was a bit surprised that I made public my last several entries. My reasoning is, I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't, I have nothing to be ashamed of.

My silence will do nothing but protect the assholes that do this sort of thing. They are the ones who should be shamed, loudly and vocally. If I knew all their names, I would post them. I only know one, the guy in middle school who grabbed my breast. Martin Yngsdahl.

Really, to hell with these guys who just prey on women and girls. To hell with them, and utter shame to them.


MIKE said…
Amen! I think that it is difficult for women(and men) to discuss sexual harassment and assault and rape. So often the victims are made out to be the ones to blame, when it is ALWAYS the perpetrators of abuse who are at fault. Good for you for bringing this topic out into the open and standing up for what is right, and standing up for yourself.
Hells to the yes, Mike, thanks for the support.
I second that, Sunny Blizzard! You absolutely did the right thing by speaking out, and we all need to step up and do the same!

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