Scum, dirtbag, slime
I don't know what one would call a person who is a total lack of space
and oxygen. Unfortunately, he is the father. We had one of the best
times ever the other day, everyone was in a great mood, we laughed
hysterically the entire day. As soon as she got back to his house he
yelled and swore and just made everything suck. Cocklicker.
It's hard to believe there are people so self-involved that everything
is everyone else's fault and they find it impossible to look in a mirror
and examine what is really there.
Your wife divorced you, your son has refused to see you for almost a
year, your daughter only goes there because she has to, and half your
family really dislikes you. You really don't see a pattern there? I'd
kick you in the balls but you wouldn't feel it.
Three more years at most, kiddo. Hang in there.