Side kicks


A post about psychics, or 'side kicks' as Number One Son used to say when he was five.

Do you ever just know something? Can you predict the future? Every now and then it happens to me, but I can't say that it happens with anything that matters. I'll be 100 percent certain I'm going to win this game of Solitaire that I just started, but I haven't yet predicted who will win the next election. So not especially useful.

Recently a coworker's birthday was coming up. I knew she would be wearing green that day, despite having no reason to have a clue what she would wear so I did wore green as well in her honor. And yup, she was wearing green. I amaze myself, I swear. haha

Another Incredible Future-Predicting Incident happened with my niece when she was about three. I had a favorite pair of sunglasses and as we were sitting there playing I suddenly just knew she was going to break them. I didn't freak out, I knew it was inevitable - it's weird, it's something you just KNOW - and sure enough she picked them up by the temple piece and it snapped off.

I forgot the coolest one! I have never had an ultrasound, but I knew the gender of both of my babies with utter certainty both times I was pregnant. I bought only boy clothes for the first and only girl clothes for the second. I would have had some gender bending babies if I'd been wrong.

Am I just a new age freak or do other people have this awesome talent?

Sometimes I wonder if this is a real thing (well, it is, but how and why does it work?) and can one somehow encourage it to grow? Could I someday make my living as a side kick?


My guess, and I hope you don't think I'm being a faithless heathen or something, is that you are incredibly tuned in to your surroundings on a subconscious level and pick up on things that you don't even realize you are picking up on.

For instance, I'd bet your coworker's favorite color is green and you know this from observing her color choices, even if you weren't intentionally taking note. I'd also bet that you had watched your niece's behavior with other items and could "foresee" what she would do with your glasses. I'd also bet that these types of "tricks" are used by psychics, and psychotherapists too, when trying to put together who you are based on little clues they can see and hear.

Regarding both your babies' genders and the games of Solitaire though; I don't know, Lady. I just don't know. It'd be cool to figure it out though; it could make for a great party trick. Or a career in reading people's futures.

And as for your question about if I have experienced this: maybe in some small ways that I attributed to deja vu and/or experience-mind-emotion association. Nothing that overly baffled my mind or anything. But that's not to say it won't happen.
Haha, new age people ARE faithless heathens!

Actually, you're probably right to some degree about being tuned in to surroundings but there are still some things that we just don't know.

Cue eerie music.
Hey, who you callin' "New Age"? (I might be, I wouldn't know. Labels are so... restrictive.)

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