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To say someone was evil, because she did xyz to you, when you were given regular opportunities (i.e., were asked directly) like once a month at the very least to discuss anything that might have been bothering you. The fact that nothing bothered you enough in four whole years that was worth addressing (but is now a huge problem) says more about you than her.

To be pissed that someone didn't leave, even after being given direct permission to stay three times.

To spout all kinds of lies to get pity attention. How does that feel, for someone who takes pride in being so honest.

I should have listened to the descriptions of the first 'evil girlfriend' and run fast. I bet she was a pretty nice person.

I feel really sorry for any future partners, honestly.


Anonymous said…
"Spreading sunshine and light"? hahahaha
Absolutely. I'm shining the light on the lies. I get to stick up for myself when I'm being shat upon (unless your name is Mike?). I don't go around calling you an impotent emotionally crippled asshole. I'm sorry you feel you have to treat what was a good relationship the way you have.

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