
Showing posts from 2012


~E~ This is a WOW! video!

Whatever whatever

~E~ So this person who has fervent faith in God is one of the emotionally weakest people I've ever met. It's so bizarre!! Yeah, I know who you are, who long ago gave my email address to some F- buddy site. Too bad it all goes straight to the spam folder. I love it when people show how caring they are. That part of people doesn't really come out much, in a truly meaningful way, so when it does it's special. Kitties fight, but it's more of a slap-fight, so it's funny. Paddleboats are the coolest. How can anyone believe a word Rmoney says. I mean, really. He said the exact opposite the day before yesterday.  How can anyone take (Palin, Bachmann, Huckabee, etc) seriously. I mean really. They don't believe in evolution. They think Obama is a socialist/communist/marxist and I bet none of them can define a single one of those things.

Part Three!!

~E~ Cool, so you've been entering information into this program like we showed you. Not cool, that now you're asking where the information in this program is coming from. I mean, WTF? Lower your maude-damned voice! No, I'm not going to tell you where I shop. I don't want you wearing the same clothes I'm wearing, plus you're bigger than me so you would shop in an entirely different department. Just, quit asking such freaking stupid questions. Jayzus. I used to say there are no stupid questions, but I'm rethinking that in a big way. Cool, that you asked me a good question. I gave you a detailed answer. Not cool, that I overheard you then ask a coworker the EXACT SAME QUESTION. This is NOT the first time! Just what is your agenda, anyway? And finally, yes. Yes, you should fear me as you fear god. 

Scum, dirtbag, slime

~E~   I don't know what one would call a person who is a total lack of space and oxygen. Unfortunately, he is the father. We had one of the best times ever the other day, everyone was in a great mood, we laughed hysterically the entire day. As soon as she got back to his house he yelled and swore and just made everything suck. Cocklicker. It's hard to believe there are people so self-involved that everything is everyone else's fault and they find it impossible to look in a mirror and examine what is really there. Your wife divorced you, your son has refused to see you for almost a year, your daughter only goes there because she has to, and half your family really dislikes you. You really don't see a pattern there? I'd kick you in the balls but you wouldn't feel it.  Three more years at most, kiddo. Hang in there.

Part the second (of many, I'm sure)

~E~ Don't waltz into my office first thing and inform me that our files are set up wrong because you can't 'intuitively' find what you're looking for. You don't even know what all is in there yet. I'm getting a headache from rolling my eyes so much. That passive aggressive complaining is getting old, too. Saying "but I'm joking" doesn't negate it.

Tips for starting a new job

~E~ Your coworkers don't care to hear about your relationship with God. Keep your relationship with God between you and God. Ask your question and wait for the answer. Don't ask a question, take a deep breath and talk for 8 minutes about why you think you need to ask your question. This place of work is different from your last place of work. Don't whine about the differences you don't like. You just started. The rest of us have worked together for several years. You don't get to jump in and act like we're the closest of friends. I don't care what led your daughter to text you fourteen times today. See above. Don't get passive-aggressive complainy when a few of us walk down for a snack and don't invite you. Again, we are friends. You just started. It takes time. Lower your freaking voice! For God's sake. (LOL) Speaking in a different accent every time you walk into my office is not cute. DO NOT act like I'm not doing my job training you. You ...

Robert Downey, Jr.

~E~ I swear, he is the most perfectly attractive man on the planet today.

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina

~E~ Apparently George Tierney, Jr. of South Carolina thinks it's cool and ok to say nasty vulgar things to random women. He tweeted this to Sandra Fluke: W hen are you going to shut that god damn dick sucker ? He got a bit upset when she retweeted his tweet and, like, the whole world saw what a dick he is. So what did he do? He called her a cunt.  On twitter.  And THEN he googled himself! He did not like what he found, friends, and went a bit bonkers over the whole thing. It did finally die down and I hope he learned his lesson, but wow - I feel sorry for his wife and all the women he comes across in his life. I adore Sandra Fluke. I did already, but she handled this very well. Kudos to her!!

Lady, you're not crazy

 ~E~ You know, it’s funny, generally when men refer to their exes as “crazy” what I keep hearing is “she had emotions, and I did not like that.” Men need to just quit with this bullshit.  Here .

They're everywhere!!!

~E~ Everyone is having babies! They're taking over! At least I finally got to get someone one of those cute baby Star Trek creepers, so there are benefits. :) It's strange seeing people hugely pregnant, people who I never suspected even wanted kids. (I think it's a rude thing to ask, frankly) But they're so happy about it, and I get to play with babies without having one of my own. Which would be awesome but I'm getting a bit old for that. Happy Baby Time!

I Guess

I suppose it's time to toss the exboyfriend's crap, if I can find it. It's been two years, he's never asked for it, and he's made it pretty much impossible for me to reach him. I don't think there's much. We'll see.

Where are you?

~E~ Where are the voices of men? Why aren't you sticking up for us? In state after state, and nationally, governments are passing laws to harass women, to take away our rights, to take away important health care and I see my woman friends talking about it. I see women on facebook talking about it. I see my women politicians talking about it, and a very few male politicians talking about it. From all the men I know, there is utter silence. Do you not care? Is it just women, so no big deal? You're not the one getting a device shoved up your private parts so whatever. Do you really think they won't come after you next? I will, sadly, be there fighting for your rights. What does it take for men to fight for mine?


~E~ So that's what the flu feels like. I can see why they want older folks to get their vaccine, it would kick their butts. I don't think I've missed that much work in one week before. Also ugh is the, ah, interesting group of Republican candidates. I can honestly say I have never been so glad that I'm not a Republican voter - who could pull the lever for any of these guys? It's like a big joke being played on us and I keep hoping for the punchline because it just seems way too bizarre to be a naturally occurring field of nominees. Perhaps at the last minute they'll toss Jeb Bush in and hope he wins? And what is this crazy talk about making contraception illegal! They keep tossing out stranger and stranger ideas to win over ... someone? With 98%^ of women using contraception at some point in their lives, this seems a particularly egregious platform to endorse. Why do they hate us so much? I thought things would get so much better after Bush, but the right has re...

Feeling lighter and lighter

~E~ I no longer care, and that feels very good. I've decided that this year, I'm not going to be nice. Nice gets you nowhere. Mean can be fun, sometimes, and I feel like the pressure is off of me. I'm feeling physically so much better, it's been a rough year and a half. I'm glad I live in this century and in this place so I can get treatment for what ails me. I found a massage therapist that almost gives me wings. She's amazing, and I can't even express how I feel when I walk out of there. So, so good. Maybe I'll write about politics next.