Snap Crackle Pop


Flick, goes the light switch.

Pop, goes the fixture.

Out, go the lights in half of my house.

Hmm, goes E, wondering if a call to an electrician is next on the list.

I took the cover off the light fixture in the kitchen and found this bizarre set up. I've never seen one like this before.

I believe I'm going shopping for tiny light bulbs today. I'm hoping that when I replace them and flick the switch again, I will have light. Wish me luck.


Laurie Stark said…
I think I just saw those at Duane Reade!
That must be some fashionable funky New York lighting store?
Laurie Stark said…
Actually, it's the NY equivalent of Walgreens, haha.
Damn, you had to tell me that. Anyway, I now have light and don't have to be afraid to eat what I have prepared in the dark.

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