~E~ Ah, yes. Why not take the whole family in for a tattoo? I had offered Al's mom a tattoo for her birthday, rather half-jokingly, but she jumped at the chance! Al and his brother decided to get in on the fun as well, so we all went together to "mark" them. I declined, lest you think you should ask to see mine, thank you. It seems like it should be a momentous occasion, getting your first tattoo, being marked for the rest of your life. It really wasn't. The artists came up, asked if this was the one you wanted, then took you back and buzzed away. It was all over in less than half an hour. Al's forever marking: His brother's forever marking: I didn't get a pic of his mom's. Too bad, since she was the impetus for all this craziness. Sunday I spent with my friend M, looking at an art exhibit about 'Mami Wata' and giving her birthday presents. YAY presents! I tried to find a good link about Mami Wata (Mommy Water, basically) online but there reall...