
Showing posts from April, 2012

Lady, you're not crazy

 ~E~ You know, it’s funny, generally when men refer to their exes as “crazy” what I keep hearing is “she had emotions, and I did not like that.” Men need to just quit with this bullshit.  Here .

They're everywhere!!!

~E~ Everyone is having babies! They're taking over! At least I finally got to get someone one of those cute baby Star Trek creepers, so there are benefits. :) It's strange seeing people hugely pregnant, people who I never suspected even wanted kids. (I think it's a rude thing to ask, frankly) But they're so happy about it, and I get to play with babies without having one of my own. Which would be awesome but I'm getting a bit old for that. Happy Baby Time!

I Guess

I suppose it's time to toss the exboyfriend's crap, if I can find it. It's been two years, he's never asked for it, and he's made it pretty much impossible for me to reach him. I don't think there's much. We'll see.