To Protect and Serve


Or something. I've never been pulled over in my life. I was pulled over for the first time a few days ago downtown, after noticing the cruiser pull up behind me at a stop light. I remember thinking that no police officer would be stopping anyone today since the temperature was about 7 below zero. The light turned green, I pulled out and the cop immediately turned on the lights. I thought Oh shit, what?? I stopped and rolled down my window as the guy walked up to the car. He addressed me heartily by name and i had a few moments of disconnect trying to figure out where I knew him from. I wonder if they do that on purpose. I wonder what Al thought about it all, since he was sitting right next to me.

My crime was that the registration sticker was missing from my license plate, it was no big deal, I was told to just go to the DMV and get new ones. Whew. I have not yet begun my life as a career criminal.

Thank Maude that's over, but at least I got slightly amusing story out of it.

Today Daughter, Al and I went to Border's to meet my family for coffee, as we do occasionally. it was nice to see everyone and catch up but we left early - Daughter was not feeling well. We headed home and just lazed about for the rest of the day with Al.

Come late afternoon and we have to run Al home for a date with his brother. We got him home safe and sound, and as we turned on to the highway another cruiser chose to abandon the direction he was going and follow me. I thought it odd. He'd been in front of me, going straight, and since he sat there for what seemed like a long while I pulled into the right turn lane and very carefully and responsibly drove off.

12 seconds down the road and what is now becoming familiar, the red and blue lights go off behind me. I was a little more nervous this time wondering what the heck was up, and realizing that i had left my purse at home with all my ID in it.

This officer was much more careful about approaching me. He stayed far back behind my window, so I had to crane my neck around to see him. He wanted to let me know that my registration sticker was missing. OK! I GET IT! was what I was thinking, but I told him I had just been pulled over for it a few days ago and was aware of it. I also thanked him for giving me a freaking heart attack. I figured I'd better take care of this immediately upon arriving home, so as soon as we pulled in the driveway I dug into the glove box to find my registration.

The sticker was in there.


Laurie Stark said…
Haha, that's hilarious!

Also, I can't believe you got pulled over TWICE for that! There must be "Wanted: Dead or Alive" ads for you up in the post office by now...
If your job search takes a bit longer than you thought I suppose you could turn me in for the reward money...
"Thank Maude that's over." LOL, that was a great story, Eileen, too bad I know from experience just how not fun it can be! I was pulled over once for having expired plates, which was soooo embarrassing. Thankfully, I just got a warning and went and got my registration renewed. YIKES.

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