The Till Ted Kilt


Sound it out. I misspelled it on purpose so no one googling would come here by mistake. I was reading about this new restaurant coming to town called the Till Ted Kilt and I began to get really excited! I thought we were finally going to get a place where women could go to check out some hot guy kilt action, where the males servers would flirt with us and make us feel attractive whatever our age or weight or clothing. I imagined guys wiggling their butts as they brought me my hot wings, and doing the 'bunny dip' as they served me my beer.

It would be great!

As I read further I realized with a sinking feeling that this was not to be the case. This was going to be a Hooters type 'restaurant' all over again. The 'attractive female servers' will wear kilts that barely cover their butt cheeks and short tops tied just under the breasts, like that Britney video. Talk about crash and burn, I was bummed out for the rest of the day.

These places work because men (as a class) are taught that their desires deserve to be catered to (by this society). Men expect attractive women to flirt with them, no matter what they look like . They expect there to be establishments (and websites and movies and tv shows and billboards etc etc etc) that exhibit hot women for their viewing and wanking pleasure. It's not even conscious.

As I think about it, I'm not even sure this would be successful the way I've imagined it. We go to the hooters and the topless joints with our male partners and just accept it. Men - straight men- would NEVER go to my version of the Till Ted Kilt, not in a million years. It would be too threatening, there would be nothing there to titillate THEM so they wouldn't waste their time.

Women don't expect to be catered to. We know when we are not conventionally attractive and we would know when someone was faking the flirting. We'd also have to sort of change our mindset to accept that someone IS actually trying to cater to us in a sexual way that isn't using our sexuality for their own ends. This MIGHT work, I don't know , it would sure be interesting to try.

Please note that I am speaking in generalities here. I speak of men and women as a class but of course individual men and women are as varied as the threads in a Scotsman's kilt.


Reverend AC said…
I'd go to your version with you! Why not? None of those guys could compete with me, anyway! And really, I think we all know that the Hooters girls don't hold a candle to you. ;) I can't imagine the vegan haggis would be tasty at this place, though...
You're sweet, and I could see you going to a place like that. I could even see you wearing a kilt.

Vegan haggis though, ack. ((shudder))
I want to hang out with you two in kilts! I'll wear one too. But over pants, as that is the humboldt way.
I actually made a kilt once, it's awesome. It was for a party with a scottish/cowboy/hawaiian theme, and I made it out of red bandannas. The pleating is amazing, if I say so myself. I'll have to post some pictures.

That said, I look forward to hanging out with a chick wearing a kilt and pants, and learning more about the humboldt way.

Word verification for the day: nhhgboo. Say it, haha.
Ooh, I want to see pictures of the red bandana kilt, which sounds amazing!

Also, the way you "say" the humboldt way makes me feel a little bit like Yoda, but a Humboldt Yoda of course, which means I'm female, and wearing a skirt over pants. Ha ha.

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